Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 340 of 624

and of materialism, or whose renunciation does not lead to the devotional service offered to the Supreme Lord, must be held for dead, even if she breathes and lives.

Jesus had said to this respect: These people are tombs that nothing can distinguish.

True renunciation must lead to the rejection of sense gratification and materialism, which will undoubtedly lead to liberation from material slavery. The man who does not detach himself from the pleasure of the senses and who remains anchored in materialism, becomes a slave of matter, because he is subjected to the harmful influence of the energy of illusion which will force him to undergo the cycle of rebirths. and repeated deaths. He will not be able to free himself from the chains which hold him prisoner of matter. Indeed, any action which does not raise its author to the level of piety turns out to be useless. By nature, everyone has an inclination for this or that form of activity, and when this activity leads to piety, this in turn leads to renunciation, and the latter to devotional service; one then attains the perfection of the act.

As the Lord teaches, any action which does not ultimately lead to devotional service is a cause of chaining in this world. Unless the living being gradually rises to the level of devotional service from its natural activity, it is little better than a corpse or a sepulcher. Action which does not promote the unfolding of the consciousness of God, also called Krishna consciousness, must be held to be unnecessary.

The Supreme Lord said: It is only through devotional service, and only so, that one can know Me as I am. And the being who, through such devotion becomes fully aware of My Person, can then enter into My absolute kingdom.

Logos 394

Goto table of logos

In truth, we are neither white, nor black, nor yellow, nor red, neither mestizos, nor Americans, nor Caribbeans, nor Europeans, nor Asians, nor Africans, nor Oceanians, for the simple reason that we are not of this material world.

A civilization gradually degrades and condemns itself to damnation, since it neglects spiritual education, encourages the slaughter of terrestrial and aquatic animals to consume their flesh, and does not protect women and the vulnerable or in distress.

A civilization that leaves blasphemy, hatred, racism, settling under the pretext of freedom of expression, undermines the intellect, moral sense and psyche of its citizens, and forces them to be reborn, in their next life among animal species, does not deserve the name of human civilization.

Turn to the Lord, ask the servant of the Supreme Lord to offer you the conscience of God, and you will avoid the worst dangers and you will be saved. From virtue is born




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