Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 338 of 624

existence, and the result of this purification manifests itself in the absence of fear. Thus, a devotee of the Lord never feels any fear, for he always remains aware that the Lord protects him in all circumstances.

In truth, the Lord is the source of misguidance for materialist atheists, but his devotees can see him unceasingly thanks to the devotional service which they offer him permanently. Anyone who knows that God is Absolute in every way can become a devotee of the Lord, and at the same time be freed from the consequences of their past acts.

The Lord reduces or completely destroys the consequences of the past acts of its devotees. The Lord himself affirms moreover that He always dwells where his pure devotees sing his glories.

Logos 391

Goto table of logos

Let us move away from the impersonalist philosophy developed by those who refuse to believe that God has a body in human form

Impersonalists cannot conceive of the idea that God has feelings, yet the Lord is indeed satisfied if someone offers Him beautiful prayers or seeks to please Him by doing His divine will, and dissatisfied if one denies its existence or insults it. However, the impersonalists who are almost disbelievers, denigrate the Sovereign Lord by saying that He has no form, because only spiritual. All these mistaken conceptions of the Lord are for Him a cause of discontent, never these atheistic descriptions are pleasing to Him.

In truth, if man has a body in human form, it is quite simply because God has given him granted a carnal envelope resembling his divine spiritual body.

God says: Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness…

(Genesis 1.26)

It is written: God man created in his own image: in the image of God created he him, male and female he created them. (Genesis 1.27)

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person says:

My spiritual and absolute body [All knowledge, bliss and eternity] resembles the human form in all respects, but this is not a material body; he is inconceivable [that is why He is never subject to hunger, thirst or fatigue]. I am not forced by nature to accept any particular type of body; it is of My own free will that I choose the form in which I appear. My heart is also spiritual, and I am always kind to My devotees. So we can discover in My heart the way of devotional service, intended for holy beings, while I have rejected its irreligion and non-devotional activities; they have no attraction on




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