Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 240 of 624

Logos 296

Goto table of logos

The material universe is filled with hungry beings. But what they crave is not delectable material food, a protective roof, defenses, or sensual pleasures. It is rather to live in a spiritual atmosphere.

Ignorance of the data relating to the absolute truth only makes them believe that the dissatisfaction of the world comes from a lack of food, of comfortable lodging, of means of defense effective, or objects of pleasure. This is what we call illusion. For in truth, the incarnate being is hungry for spiritual satisfaction, when he believes he is hungry for material pleasures. All beings in this material universe are in need of spiritual nourishment, spiritual shelter, spiritual defensive strength and spiritual satisfaction of the senses, all of which are obtained from the Supreme Spiritual Being, Krishna. Thus, whoever comes into contact with the Lord can no longer feel an attraction for the illusory food, refuge, means of defense and sensual pleasure of the material universe, which nevertheless covet even the inhabitants of the Edenic planets. This is why the Lord teaches that even arrived in the highest planet of our galaxy, Brahmaloka, where beings live millions of years, no one can appease his true hunger.

The Supreme Eternal says: All the planets in the universe, from the most evolved to the lowest, are places of suffering where birth and death follow one another. But for the soul who attains My kingdom there is no more rebirth.

The distinct being can satisfy his hunger for spiritual satisfaction only when he establishes himself in immortality, which is obtains in the spiritual world, well beyond Brahmaloka (the highest planet of our material galaxy), and through permanent contact with the Lord, the one who grants to his devotees, the sublime pleasure of liberation.

Logos 297

Goto table of logos

The planets of each material galaxy like ours, “The Milky Way” are divided into three systems of different levels: the lower worlds (infernal, hell), intermediate (of terrestrial types) and higher (Edenic or paradisiacal). All are inhabited.

The Earth and its inhabitants human beings are at the beginning of the intermediate worlds, while Brahma the demiurge and first created being and his peers live on the higher planets, the highest of which is Satyaloka or Brahmaloka. The inhabitants of the latter perfectly master spiritual wisdom, so that for them the mystical cloud of material energy dissipates. They are therefore designated by the name of personified Vedas. Fully awakened to material and spiritual knowledge, they pursue no personal




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