Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
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The Supreme Eternal says: Always think of Me, become My devotee, offer Me your homage and worship Me, and you will come to Me assuredly. I promise you, for you are My dear friend.

The Supreme Eternal adds: I stand in the heart of every being, and from Me comes remembrance, knowledge and forgetting.

God reminds the living being that in the absence of the realization of his true identity as a spiritual being, he will not remember anything. The Supreme Soul seated in the hearts of all living beings always accompanies them.

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It is written in “the true gospel”: “All societies or nations that reject God thus let his word and his laws perish”.

The goal of foolish people would be a peaceful society, but without God it is impossible. The major objective of man must be the development of the consciousness of God. Peace will then come automatically. A society or a nation cannot be preserved indefinitely. So many nations appeared and then disappeared: the British Empire, the Roman Empire, the Greek Empire, the Chinese Empire, the Inca Empire and many others. Only the society of God is revealed to be eternal. Knowing this is synonymous with intelligence.

We must accept the Supreme Eternal as the Supreme Being and glorify him here on Earth. We will do the same up there in the spiritual realm, God's abode when we are there, for everything will unfold in perfection. While in this material world we are simply training.

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Instructions and guidance from Krishna, God, The Supreme Person

Learn from My lips that it is My energies alone that are working everywhere. Take a pot of earth: you have nothing but an assembly of earth, water, fire, air and ether. Whether the pot is new, old or broken, the same elements still make it up. When created, the pot is but a combination of earth, water, fire, air, and ether; throughout its existence, its components remain the same, and when it is finally destroyed, annihilated, its ingredients will be preserved in various sectors of material energy. In the same vein, during the creation of this cosmos, all the time that its manifestation lasts, as well as after its destruction, it is My energy, always the same, which takes on




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