Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 211 of 624

Logos 244

Goto table of logos

The holy being asks to enter the kingdom of God after having given up his life breath and left his material body. Before his body is reduced to ashes, he asks the Lord to kindly remember the righteous acts and sacrifices he made during his existence. He recites this prayer at the time of death, in full awareness of his past actions as well as the goal to be achieved.

At this moment, the one who has not completely abandoned material life must necessarily review the guilty actions of his existence, and death surprises him with his mind full of these thoughts, he will be forced to take back a body in this world. The science of God specifies that the mind carries with it the tendencies of the being who is going to die, so that the state of mind at the very moment of death determines the conditions in which one will be reborn. Unlike animals, whose mental faculties are not very extensive, a man on the verge of death remembers, as in a dream, everything he has done during his life; these memories awaken in him innumerable material desires which prevent him from regaining his original spiritual form and thus returning to his first abode, the spiritual world.

The holy being, through the practice of devotional service, throughout his life develops his love for God, so that, even if at the time of death he forgets his spiritual activities, the Lord, Himself, remembers them. This is why it is said that his spiritual progress is never in vain, even if he has to be reborn in the material world. The Lord never forgets the service offered to him by his devotee.

Logos 245

Goto table of logos

The Supreme Eternal says: “He whose mind remains ever steadfast has already conquered birth and death. Flawless, like the Supreme Being, he has already established his abode in Him”.

Equanimity is a sign of spiritual realization, and those who acquire it triumph over the conditions of matter, (especially of birth and death). As long as man identifies with his body, he must undergo its conditioning; but as soon as he develops equanimity, this equality of soul coming from the realization of his spiritual identity, he frees himself from bondage to matter, and can therefore, at the time of death, immediately enter the world spiritual, without ever having to be born again in the material universe.

The Lord is not subject to attraction, nor to loathing; He is without weakness. Likewise, the distinct being, when it frees itself from the attraction-repulsion duality,




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