Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 210 of 624

purified by spiritual practices, the best of which is the chanting of the Holy Names of the Lord. And the embryo enveloped in the womb illustrates a desperate condition, for the child in its mother's womb is so helpless that it cannot even move.

This stage of life can be compared to the tree life. The tree is also a living being, but it showed such lust that it took on a body almost entirely devoid of consciousness. The example of the mirror covered with dust applies to birds and animals, that of fire and smoke to humans. The human form offers the being an opportunity to develop his awareness of God; let him benefit from it, and the human form will have served to rekindle the fire of spiritual life in him. By carefully manipulating the smoke, we can transform the fire into an inferno.

The human form therefore constitutes an opportunity for the being to free himself from the chains of material existence. It is the only one that allows him to overcome his enemy, lust, by providing him with the possibility of developing the consciousness of God.

Logos 243

Goto table of logos

In truth, our death is programmed from our birth. It is already there when we are born. We are dying every moment, every second. So why do we fear death so much?

In the end, it is inevitable. Maybe we die today, maybe a hundred years from now, but we cannot escape death. Death is only the annihilation of the material body and the forgetting of our last existence. As soon as the body ceases to function, as it mingles again with the five elements of material nature, the spiritual being takes on another body, determined by the acts of its past existence and their consequences. This change of body takes place just as a man walks in the street; he takes a step forward, then, assured that his foot is resting on firm ground, lifts the other foot. Thus, the bodies change, one after the other, and the transmigrating soul always remains the same.

The spiritual entity (the soul) changes body as soon as the agents of the master of death have decided of his next deadly envelope. As long as the spiritual entity remains conditioned by the material world, it must take on bodies of matter, one after another. The body that he will occupy in his next existence is given to him according to the laws of nature, according to his acts in this life and of which he will have to suffer the consequences in his next life. From one life to another, bodies change and do not necessarily have the same shape. When you get a new body, you forget everything about the previous one, that's what death is. The material bodies we put on are in fact the product of our mental activities, and we cannot now remember our past bodies.

This is why we must never harm anyone, human, animal and plant.




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