Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 151 of 624

Lord is served in infinite opulence, while in Goloka the service offered to Him takes on the aspect of natural affection. This love for God is rekindled by contact with pure devotees of the Lord. Those who awaken to the love of God reach the planets of the spiritual world.

Logos 139

Goto table of logos

The Lord said: “I appear from age to age, in order to deliver My devotees, annihilate the disbelievers and restore the principles of spirituality”.

Nevertheless, the holy beings absorbed in devotional service offered to the Lord with sublime love are rewarded hundreds and thousands of times more than the demonic disbelievers, and are lifted up to the spiritual planets where they dwell in his company for an existence of eternal bliss.

Demonic beings and impersonalists who claim that God has no form, obtain to merge in the radiance of the Lord as holy beings, pure souls, are admitted to the spiritual planets. Imagine for a moment the difference between just floating in space and being able to inhabit a planet. The pleasure of spiritual beings living on a planet greatly exceeds that of bodily souls, which merge into the molecules of the solar rays. Thus, the impersonalists are by no means favored over the enemies of the Lord. In truth, both have access to the same level of spiritual liberation.

The Lord is not obligated to come into this world, but when one of His devotees asks Him to do so, it is for the good of the whole galaxy, let He descend to the earth.

Logos 140

Goto table of logos

The Supreme Eternal said: “Abandon yourself to me, and I will take you under my protection”.

Anyone who, in this material galaxy, participates in the sublime service of love offered to the Lord is led to perform many material activities, and anyone who is not strong enough to protect themselves against the infection of matter, and the attraction it exerts, can be diverted from spiritual energy.
This is a valid warning to all those who desire to progress in the spiritual life. Unless you are sufficiently protected by the Lord, you can fall from your spiritual position. Therefore, we must constantly pray to the Lord to protect us and to grant us his blessing so that we can continue our duty.




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