Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 148 of 624

the witness existed, but not the external energy, on which the Lord looked, from which was born in him a certain feeling of insufficiency, like that experienced by a lonely man in the absence of his wife. This is a poetic image, but the fact remains that the Lord wanted to create the cosmic manifestation in order to give the conditioned souls hitherto dormant in oblivion a new opportunity to redeem themselves. Cosmic manifestation gives embodied and conditioned souls the opportunity to return to God, to their original home, and this is its primary purpose. The Lord shows such goodness that in the absence of this manifestation, He experiences something like a lack, hence creation. Although the existence of the internal power was already manifested, the other power of the Lord seemed asleep, latent, and the Lord wanted to call it back to activity, like the husband who wakes his wife from sleep in order to enjoy of his company.

Thus is revealed the Lord's compassion for his slumbering energy. He wants to see her awake so that she participates in his pleasure, as other awakened wives do. The whole process of creation is aimed at awakening to real existence, that of spiritual consciousness, the conditioned souls hitherto sleeping, so that they can become as perfect as souls forever released. who live on the Vaikunthalokas, the spiritual planets, in the kingdom of God. He loves to see all the entities emanating from his different powers share the sublime happiness of spiritual bliss, because to participate in the eternal satisfaction of the Lord represents the highest perfection of existence, all of spiritual bliss and eternal knowledge.

Logos 134

Goto table of logos

The Sovereign Lord is the master of all other beings. He alone indeed existed before creation.

In truth, all that exists emanates from the Supreme Lord, He always represents the unique existence, the Absolute, One without a second. This is his prerogative, for he is infinitely perfect and all-powerful. Any existence other than his own, which includes his full emanations, is an integral part of his Person. The full manifestations of God and living beings, the first of which is Brahma, are so many distinct emanations of the Lord.

Before creation, spiritual existence was already manifested, but material existence was still in Him in a latent state. It is by his will alone that the material manifestation unfolds and is absorbed. As for the diversity specific to Vaikunthaloka, the spiritual realm, it is only One with the Lord. Material creation occurs at intervals by the will of the Lord, and during the periods between the annihilation of creation, the distinct beings and material energy dwell in Him in a state of sleep.




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