Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 125 of 624

The Supreme Lord, Master of all living beings, has the power to decorate one's devotee with all the attributes of one's own Person, including immortality and spiritual bliss.

Logos 96

Goto table of logos

The planets of the spiritual world are at least three times as numerous as those of the material universe, and because they possess a spiritual nature, they transcend the material influence of the attributes of material nature and therefore lie in pure virtue.

The concept of spiritual bliss is there manifested in all its fullness. Each of these spiritual planets is absolute, indestructible and free from all imperfections related to this material world. Each produces its own radiance, which equals the inconceivable radiance of millions of suns united. Those who dwell there are free from old age, disease, death and rebirth, and their perfect knowledge embraces all. They are pure and free from all forms of desires. There, they act only to offer the Lord, the Sovereign Lord of the spiritual planets, a service of sublime love. These liberated beings ceaselessly sing the hymns, in order to glorify God.

The spiritual world which represents three quarters of the whole and which is formed from the internal energy of the Lord, constitutes the kingdom of God, far beyond the material spheres. The other quarter, its external energy, constitutes the material universe. The kingdom of God is spiritual, absolute, while the universe of matter is material. The first is therefore eternal, the second, transitory. In the Absolute Kingdom, the Lord and His Eternal Servants all possess auspicious, infallible, spiritual, and everlasting youthful character forms. In short, there is no birth, no old age, no disease, no death. This eternal land, rich in spiritual pleasures, conceals beauty and bliss.

Logos 97

Goto table of logos

The Supreme Lord is Himself the foundation of the radiance which constitutes his impersonal aspect, the only form of God known to men.

The universal form therefore represents a secondary form of the Lord, imagined and impersonal, but the one endowed with two hands and holding an eternal flute, represents his primordial, original, real form.

The Lord diffuses three quarters of his radiance in the spiritual world, and the entire manifestation of material galaxies in the other quarter. Thus, three quarters of its radiation constitutes its internal energy, and the remaining quarter, its external energy. As for living beings who inhabit the spiritual world as well as the material




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