The Words of God
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the material senses. The living entity, fully engaged by the material senses and the modes of influence of nature, experiences the different results of fruitful work. As long as the living entity believes that the attributes and modes of influence of material nature have distinct existences, it will be forced to take birth in many different forms and it will experience various material existences. Therefore, the living entity remains completely dependent on fruitful activities under the modes of influence of material nature.

The conditioned soul which remains dependent on fruitful activities under the modes of influence of material nature will continue to Me to fear, I the Supreme Person, since I impose the results of his fruitful activities. Those who accept the material concept of life, considering that the diversity of the modes of influence of material nature to be factual, devote themselves to material enjoyment and therefore are always absorbed in lamentation and sorrow. When there is agitation and interaction of the attributes of material nature, then living entities describe Me in various ways such as almighty time, the Self, Vedic knowledge, the universe, its own nature, religious ceremonies and so on.

The way of purification.

In truth, the first quality required to take part in the service of love and devotion offered to God is to agree to cooperate willingly with those who are already find themselves engaged in devotional service, and of course offering everything to the Lord. This is how the postulant will learn little by little the various principles which govern devotional service and, as he progresses in this discipline, will be proportionally free from the taint due to contact with matter. Having strengthened his faith by this path of purification, he will then rise to the point of developing a spiritual taste, followed by a genuine attraction to devotional service. His conviction will thus carry him to the stage of ecstasy, which precedes that of spiritual and absolute love.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person says:

I appear from age to age, in order to deliver my devotees, to annihilate the disbelievers and to restore the principles of spirituality. Before the creation of the cosmos, I alone exist to the exclusion of all gross, subtle or causal phenomena. After creation, I alone live in all things, and the time of annihilation has come, I alone remain forever. May by my distinguished grace be revealed to you all the truth about My Person, My manifestations, My attributes and My entertainment. Please lend an attentive ear to what I will tell you, because the transcendent knowledge linked to My Person constitutes a science, but also contains many mysteries. To those who




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