The Words of God
Page 46 of 121

but the sage Narayana escapes the attraction of maya, manifested in the form of a woman.

See therefore the formidable Power of My maya, manifested through wife ; the only movement of his eyebrows allows him to keep under his thumb even the greatest conquerors of the world.

He who has realized his spiritual identity by serving Me and wishes to reach the climax of yoga, should never s' approach an attractive woman, for the scriptures teach that for a progressing holy being, such a woman represents the threshold of hell. The woman, created by God, embodies the Maya, and the one who lives to his contact, accepting his services, must know without any doubt that he plunges towards death, as in a well covered with grass.

The being who, because of his attachment for a woman in his past life, has now been given a feminine form, foolishly contemplates Mayan in the form of man, her husband, and sees in him the one who ensures her wealth, children, home and so many other material advantages. So a woman should see in her husband, as well as in her home and in her children of his death, put in place by the external energy of the Lord, just as the sweet song of the hunter represents death for the deer.

According to the body that is granted to him, the materialistic being wanders of a planet to the other, absorbing himself in the self-interested action of which he interminably reaps the fruits.

According to his self-interested acts, the conditioned being obtains an appropriate body, with a mind and material senses. Then the consequences of these acts end, which is what we call death. When a new set of karmic reactions begins, birth then occurs.

When the eyes lose their ability to perceive colors or shapes due to some morbid condition of the optic nerve, vision dies, and being alive, the one who governs both the eye and the sight, loses his visual power. Likewise, when the physical body, the place where sensory perceptions arise, becomes incapable of perceiving anything, there is what is called death. And the moment when one begins to regard the body as one's own self is called birth. Therefore, no one should view death with horror, nor be caught up in defining the body as being soul, nor to enjoy in an exaggerated way the goods necessary for the life. Realizing his true nature, the distinct being must evolve in this world, without attachment and remaining fixed on his goal.

Provided with the right vision and strengthened by devotional service as well as by a pessimistic attitude towards from the material ego, it is necessary, by reason, to relegate his body to the illusory world. Thus can one lose interest in the material world.





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