Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
Page 53 of 103

Krishna grants the desires of devotees who approach him to serve him with devotion, but not those who risk causing further suffering. Despite their temporal ambitions, such devotees are gradually purified by their transcendent service, from all desire for material enjoyment and come to covet the pleasure born of devotion. Generally speaking, the company of devotees is sought in the hope of alleviating some material distress. But the influence of the pure devotee will free us from all material desire, so that over time we will develop a taste for devotional service, which turns out to be so pure and wonderful that it purifies the devotee and makes him forget all his material aspirations as soon as he fully engages in Krishna's sublime loving service.

Transmigrating through the 8,400,000 life forms, the living being is sometimes compared to a log which, going down a river, accidentally ends up on the bank without being carried away further by the current. No one should be in despair, thinking that he will never escape the grip of matter, because it is possible to be saved, like a log which, going down a river for some time, can reach some. the shore. Such happy incidents mark the beginning of the decline of conditioned existence; they occur through contact with pure devotees of the Lord, a contact which promotes the awakening of our attraction to Krishna. There are various kinds of rituals and activities, some of which turn into material enjoyment and others into material liberation. But if one adopts ritualistic activities that allow pure devotional service to the Lord to flourish in the company of pure devotees, his or her mind will naturally be imbued with devotional service.

When a conditioned soul dedicates itself to Krishna, the Lord, by his unmotivated mercy, instructs him in two ways. From the outside, through the spiritual master, and from the inside, through the Supreme Soul. It is written:

Dear Lord, even being endowed with the longevity of Brahma, no one can express their gratitude to you for the blessings derived from your remembrance. By your mercy without cause, you remove from the devotee any harmful condition by manifesting yourself externally as the spiritual master and internally as the Supreme Soul.

If in one way or another, a person comes in contact with a pure devotee, and thus develops the desire to serve Krishna with devotion, he gradually rises to the level of love for God and comes out of the clutches of material energy.

the Lord said: When a person spontaneously feels attraction to My activities, not being attracted or repelled by material activities, the path of devotional service which leads to the perfection of love for God becomes available to him.




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