The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 328 of 728

God being perfect and perfection personified, everything that emanates from perfection is also perfect. God being perfect, so is everything that comes from Him. If things are perfect in themselves, they will remain so as long as we maintain their state of perfection. God only desires good. The living being found himself in this material Universe because he made a bad use of his will. Even if he wishes to enjoy this world of matter, God is so good that He grants him facilities and directives. Having given up the company of God to come into the material universe and have a good time, the Lord allowed it by saying, “Okay, enjoy the experience. When you understand that material enjoyment only brings frustration, you can come back.” Thus the Supreme Lord guides the enjoyment of all beings, and especially humans, so that they can return to their original home, the kingdom of God. Nature is the agent who acts according to the Lord's instructions. If the living being is too prone to abuse their freedom, they will be punished. This punishment is the consequence of the desire to be it. God doesn’t want to see a human being turned into a pig, but when you develop such a mindset by eating indiscriminately, He grants that facility in the form of a pig body. Present in the hearts of all, God notes from the inside the desires of the living being. Then, He orders the Material Nature to produce a body conforming to the desires of each one.

Evil was unquestionably created by God. But it was human abuse of free will that made it necessary. God gives humanity good directives, but when it disobeys, evil will naturally punish it. God does not desire evil, which is created out of necessity. We suffer because of our bad deeds. On the other hand, evil and suffering make it possible to reduce the consequences or consequences of acts or misdeeds that we have committed in the past or the previous life. This is why God, being supreme, punishes us. When you place yourself under the protection of the Lord, nothing is wrong; all is well. God does not want to create evil; rather, it is human wrongdoing that prompts the Lord to create a painful situation. As soon as one reaches the level of service of love and devotion offered to God, one fully understands that Krishna, the Supreme Person, is the goal of existence. There is no point in glorifying someone for their material qualities or criticizing them for their material defects. In the material universe, good and evil do not really make sense, since if someone is good, he can be elevated to the higher, heavenly planetary system, while if he is bad, he can fall to the lower planetary systems, to hell. Beings of diverse mentalities sometimes rise and sometimes are demeaned, but that is not the purpose of existence. Rather, this goal is to free oneself from these elevations and degradations by becoming aware of Krishna. This is why a holy man does not distinguish between




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