The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 326 of 728

devotee of the Lord has no interest in material pleasures; likewise, suffering does not affect him. When it is given to him to live in prosperity, he knows that he thereby consumes the fruits of his virtuous acts, and when he experiences distress, he knows that the consequences of his ungodly acts are all the less diminished . A devotee of the Lord is not concerned with pleasures or material suffering; he has no other desire than to practice the devotional service which he offers to God.

In reality, neither joys nor material sorrows can stand in the way of devotional service. Holy beings comply with certain principles of austerity: they observe the fast which marks special holidays. They renounce illicit sex (outside marriage), stimulants and toxic substances (drugs, alcohol, tea, coffee, cigarettes), gambling and the consumption of animal flesh (meat, fish, eggs). This is how they purify themselves from the consequences of the faults they may have committed in their past lives. Because they dedicate themselves to devotional service, the most virtuous activity there is, they enjoy existence without having to worry about anything other than serving the Lord.

According to the very words of the Lord, it is enough to know the spiritual and absolute nature of his entertainment (which takes place in our material galaxy or in the spiritual world), to understand in truth who He really is, how He appears and acts in this world, to be immediately recognized as worthy to return to the spiritual world.

This principle, which states Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, is verified in the holy king Dhruva. We see indeed that after having sought throughout his life to realize God, the Supreme Person, by austerity and penance, he obtains the fruit of his efforts, since he proved himself worthy of being taken to the spirit world by the personal servants of the Lord.

What happened to the holy king Dhruva, will also happen to all those who serve God with love and devotion, a total submission and who do all that the Lord will ask them immediately with deep joy.

Those whose hearts remain constantly attached to the service of devotion offered to God are immediately freed from all the consequences of their sinful lives. These reactions generally manifest themselves in four phases; some are ready to bear fruit, others are still at seed level, others are still unmanifested, and the last ones are already underway. However, devotional service immediately reduces to nothing all these reactions due to our faults. When devotional service is in the heart of a person, there is no longer any desire to act reprehensibly. The sinful life results from ignorance, that is to say, from forgetting our natural and eternal position as a servant




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