The Pure Spiritual Science
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consciousness is a liberated being. He does not maintain any real connection with the material world. He who reaches the spiritual and absolute level frees himself from repeated deaths and rebirths. The mere fact of knowing the absolute nature of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, frees chains from the cycle of the dead and rebirths. When he leaves his material body, the released being then returns to his original home, the Kingdom of God. Let us abandon ourselves to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and serve Him with love and devotion and the death of our body, we will find our spiritual body through which we will enter the kingdom of Krishna, all of knowledge, bliss and eternity. This is the true resurrection. Surrender to God and devotional service is the sure way to approach Krishna, to enter his kingdom and to see Him face to face. He who remains with God is near the fire, and he who is far from the Supreme Lord is far from the kingdom of God.

As the inhabitants of the Edenic planets see the master of the sun, so the devotee of God, by his devotional service, contemplates the personal form of the Supreme Lord. God, the Supreme Person, has an eternal form, which can not be perceived by material vision or intellectual speculation. Only the transcendental devotional service allows us to see the transcendental form of the Lord. The celestial beings, inhabitants of the superior planets, Edenic, paradisiac, are endowed with eyes able to see the master of the sun through the dazzling luminosity which envelops his person. Each planet has an atmosphere of its own according to the influence of material nature. It is therefore necessary, to stay on one or other of them, to acquire the type of body adapted to that of his election. Perhaps the inhabitants of the earth can reach the moon, but celestial beings can go to the igneous sphere of the sun. What is impossible for man becomes easy for the inhabitants of the higher planets, because their bodies are different.

Similarly, to contemplate the Supreme Lord, one must possess the eyes conferred by the service of devotion. God, the Supreme Person, is accessible only to those who decide to serve Him with love and devotion, only they can see what He is. The practice of the service of love and devotion offered to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, is purely spiritual, it has nothing to do with material acts. Those who practice devotional service should be considered to be in the spiritual world. They thus settle in the realm of transcendence. Krishna's full devotional service is the only way for the human being to reach the highest perfection of existence.

The Supreme Lord says: "He who meditates on Me with confidence and affection, who hears and sings My glories, is sure to return to God in his original home."





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