Giving The Keys Of Truth
Page 79 of 89

It is however necessary to recognize that Satan and his band of demons continuously worked hard
since Adam and Eve by placing a lead weight and a veil over the earth, to keep people blind and deaf.
Besides, he prevented them from knowing the truth, and implemented everything so that they
continue to ignore the existence of God, teaching them false information, distorting and altering the
truth and the word of God, saying to men in particular that there is nothing else than the earth, and
the material universe in which this last, even to usurp the title of God. He obviously kept deliberately
the men in ignorance, instilling an education based solely on materialism, whose envy, desire, lust,
iniquity thereof. He pushed the men to call upon dark forces which he, himself is the leader, telling
them to use for that magic and clairvoyance, if they want to solve the various problems they face, or
to obtain an advantage of about materialistic, hiding them in reality they are unconsciously called
him and his band of demons. The purpose of the devil, keep men blind and deaf, leading directly into
the darkness, and make them believe that he is God. It was of course imposed on man, the culture of
evil in all its forms, saying it was the only way forward. He has led men to harden their heart and
closed their minds. He obviously kept telling them, he revealed to them only lies.
Satan does not know God, my friends, nor the truth. How want in these circumstances that he can
say to you other thing than lies? How can he tell you anything other than to do evil and shed blood,
cultivating fear in you?
Man lived in this state sadly over too long a period, passing on in his descent the same lack of data
concerning the true God, truth, earthly and heavenly mysteries, and of course what he really is, a
spiritual entity.
Then God came among men to make themselves known, to reveal his word to save them, giving
them the precepts, laws and orders, commands, so they are better guided in the truth. He has at all
times, behaved towards men with lots of love, kindness, compassion, sharing with them the
knowledge, spiritual knowledge and science, through prophets and other messengers.
He is love and truth; his teaching is also rested on this base.
He often said:
I do not want one of you gets lost. I do not want you die. If you tread on my way, you apply my rules
and that you keep my word, I will give you rest and eternal life.
Whatever God said my friends, is true. By cons, and he often said, one who chooses the path of evil,
will die. This one, when his end comes, will worry about the fate that will be reserved, for fear what
will happen, and he has moreover deserved.
But God in his boundless love for man said:
I am a God slow to anger.
This is to make clear to all who have followed the path of evil, to give it up, to stop their evil deeds, to
correct the acts of wickedness committed, to reject evil in all its forms and to choose the right path,
to repent and then God said:
Forget what they did.
It is written:
Those who have done good, unto the resurrection of life, but those who have done evil, unto the
resurrection of Judgement. You will die in your sins. He who walks in darkness (ignorance of the truth




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