Giving The Keys Of Truth
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that we respond in the right direction this time, while showing us the way forward, and providing us
the best advice.
As I wrote in a previous issue, these events have nothing to do with karma, because those arising
from the latter are in fact the result of our misdeeds, our sins, and thus subject to the law of cause
with effect. While those that concern us here, are primary and essential goal by being confronted,
and solving the data emanating from them, then destroying all the negative effects they create,
consolidate our gains, strengthening our resistance to repel the evil in all its forms, and beings who
are the source, to get away from them, to walk without ever approaching us, follow the path of light
that leads to God, to reach the state of arousal and supreme joy, to meet our Heavenly Father.
They also allow us to challenge ourselves, to see how evil causes the disaster; we realize how much
God told the truth and is totally right.
Christ said:
Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst, and the water I give him will become in him a
spring of water welling up to eternal life. This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that a
man may eat and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats this
bread, he will live forever.
Remember my friends, that this water and this bread are the word of God and teaching. If you listen,
learn, remember and enter this word in your mind, it will protect you from everything and your
reality will assert spiritual entity on earth as in heaven. If you feed yourself and if you Soak the holy
word of God, verily, I say to you, you will walk confidently on the path of light that leads to your
Heavenly Father. For you, there will be no fear.
Also, watch this docile child, obedient, disciplined, confident in the teaching of God, who wants to
learn, which is eager to grow spiritually, who knows that the word of God is truth and life, and
understands that all tests it faced, however difficult they may be, are there to help him find the way
without any hesitation of light, and not to deviate.
Therefore, I urge you not to acknowledge God and through twists and mostly unfairly, for the
suffering that you suffer because they are always the result of your actions based on evil, except
those resulting from trials that are inflicted by God in order to refocus you, take you back to reason,
on the right path and help you consolidate your gains. In any case, think carefully about my friends,
and ask yourself what you did wrong, unjust, irrational, and correct the abnormal, taking God as a
sure guide, and adopt permanently by writing in golden letters his word and his teachings in your
heart. Only him can save you, because he is really the way, the truth and the life.
God said:
All souls are mine. The soul of the son as the soul of the father. One and other are mine. The soul
which sins shall die.
The man who is right, who practices law and justice, who does not seduce the wife of his neighbor,
who exploit nobody, who makes the debtor his pledge, which commits no robbery, who gives the
bread to the one who is hungry, who covers with clothes the one who is naked, who does not lend at
interest and does not take the wear, who turns his hand from injustice and judge the truth between
two men, who follows my directions and observes my ordinances, acting according to truth, this one
is just, he shall live for sure.




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