Giving The Keys Of Truth
Page 51 of 89

The man will undergo a profound change and his sense of reasoning, understanding, and
discernment. On the other side will develop, faculties negative, such as pride, vanity, sufficiency,
individualism, indifference, that the distance from the truth.
That is why, from the beginning to make men understand and penetrate the reality of existence, God
gave Moses the commandments, laws and ordinances, and commandments, which are human and
still do not know, of paramount importance. Precisely because of them, respecting them and
applying them carefully, and walking on the tracks of God, he can finally abandon the path of evil in
all its forms and that avoid creating waves and masses that it generates negative and destructive
effects they create.
The effects caused by waves and negative mass, I repeat again my friend, the enclosed entity as a
spiritual body, like a thick smoke prevented him from seeing and hearing clearly, and to discover the
At this stage, the man knows who he is, still less that it is really a spiritual entity.
Remember my friends, what God had said:
Here is what you should do:
Let everyone speak the truth with his neighbor. Imagine your doors according to the truth and for
peace. Let no one in his heart does not think evil against his neighbor, and do not like the false oath,
for these are all things that I hate. Love truth and peace. Beware of false prophets (religious or
spiritual guides unfair) they come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. You
know them by their fruits. (They are evidence of malice, are liars and are hateful)
Thus said God, who stretched out the heavens and founded the earth and formed the spirit of man
within him.
Return to me, and I will return to you. Wash you, make you clean. Remove from my eyes the
wickedness of your actions. Cease to do evil. Learn to do the good, seek justice.
The overriding concern of the Being of Light is to open the eyes of men so that by what they said,
they returned to him, able to walk again on the path to IT, and that they reach a state of alert, and be
The state of awakening my friends, is the emergence of the spiritual being (we are) its carnal
envelope. At this stage, the spiritual entity finally knows who she is, where it comes from and where
it goes. She obviously knows that his body is a garment worn for change on earth, and can finally
penetrate the truth, and be taught of God. The hidden mysteries are revealed to him, and she can
finally see God.
The state of awakening my friends can be achieved precisely in respecting and applying the precepts,
laws and ordinances, and commandments of God. The man must of course, walking on the tracks of
the being of light, reject the evil in all its forms and materialism, and finally annihilate desire, desire,
and lust.




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