Giving The Keys Of Truth
Page 48 of 89

It allows information from stored in our mind, think, think, understand, act. In any case, we should
not be overwhelmed by it.
From the moment we know that thought as the rest is word of a wave with mass, since it is negative,
produces disastrous both for the people we meet, for ourselves. These waves or negative masses,
invade and disturb our mind and our mind feels as such find it difficult to perform sorts. Since by that
we can not control them, the interference grows, disturbs the intellect, and affects our spiritual
essence, short-circuiting our whole being.
This is what we see, among men he is said to have lost his mind. It is therefore at this level, a sort of
disconnect between the spiritual essence of the subject (which is itself seriously affected, see Satan
and his demons) and its carnal envelope.
Also to allow the spiritual entity to ensure optimum control and a complete and total domination on
his fleshly envelope, it is essential and it consumes most healthy foods and avoid all dangerous
products such as drugs, smoking , alcohol, etc.., which can cause interference and prevent the proper
functioning of the body. It is important that nothing interferes in the functioning of the carnal
envelope, so that the spiritual entity can use it properly.
For this reason, God had given such advice to men, not to drink alcohol, use of toxic products or
impure, or ingestion of various drugs or foods of all kinds can be created within the envelope of flesh,
of disturbances and cause internal interference inevitably leads to short-circuit problems see a
disjunction between body and essence of the spiritual entity. The latter, unable to control when his
fleshly envelope properly, find themselves isolated and disconnected from his body that behaves like
a madman and vehicle control.
Therefore, in order to alleviate the weakness of men, especially those who can not control their
impulses or negative effects from their acts of evil filled with masses negative inked into their flesh
and envelopes that adds interference, the BEING OF LIGHT with the spiritual entity of the option, a
principle which is safe as long to master his body, and thus predict when it has lost all sense of
balance, for example to various addictions, any untoward incident.
When the spiritual entity, through weakness, is influenced by negative masses accumulated in his
fleshly envelope, and suffers the adverse effects, is addicted to alcohol, drugs, his body loses all
sense of balance , staggers, the various cells and organs no longer function properly, it still has more
control, and is disconnected from it. If this man takes the wheel, imagine the damage.
Also, if the spiritual entity follows the ways and laws of God, it strengthens his spiritual essence, and
therefore the possibility, by the principle that security is endowed by the being of light, control its
carnal envelope, d 'negate the effects due to addiction, and arrived safely.
This warning must then bring the spiritual entity, to definitively abandon these harmful products,
which weaken the organs of human body. But it is very useful for spiritual entity. Therefore it must
take care of his fleshly envelope, and give up eating all products destructive to the body, otherwise it
calls into question why she is on earth, and sees his earthly existence disrupted by these defects and
his spiritual development delayed.




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