The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 60 of 150

The human shape is rarely obtained.

Each of us is truly a spiritual spark making up the radiance that emanates from the body of God. In truth, the transcendental body of the Lord and the radiance that emanates from it are One. The spiritual spark is also called spiritual soul, spiritual entity, spiritual being, such is our true spiritual identity. We are a tiny fragment of God, an integral part of his Divine Person. We are not the gross material body in which we incarnated. Understanding this truth is fundamental.

We all lived, at the beginning of all things, before the material creation was, with God, in his infinite and absolute kingdom. But it is for having become envious of God, for having questioned his authority and refusing to serve him with love and devotion, and expressing the desire to experience the same pleasures as him, that the Supreme Lord expelled us from his kingdom. and immersed in the material universe He has created for us fallen souls. It is our desire to know and taste the pleasures of this material world, which has made us fall from our position.

We can therefore understand that each of us is really a spiritual soul, and not the body of matter in which we have incarnated. Then let us cease to identify with the latter and let us behave in spiritual being, our life will then be a success.

To live in the material universe, the fallen spiritual being must take a precise form. Therefore, he first assumes the exalted form of Brahma, the demiurge and regent of a galaxy, then, if he does not listen to God, or the fact that he says for his own good, he will continue to degrade himself and take the form of a heavenly being, then of a human being, and always because of his demeaning acts, he will fall among the lower species, animal, plant or aquatic.

Through the gradual process of evolution, the incarnate spiritual being finds a human form and thus obtains a new opportunity to escape the cycle of repetitive reincarnations. If he wastes again the chance that is offered him to know his real identity, he will plunge back into the cycle of birth and death into various forms of life.




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