The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 63 of 150

Words of wisdom.

Faith and the conscience of God are the bases of knowledge which make it possible to arrive at wisdom, because when they are there, understanding follows.

To know God as He really is, to know that Everything emanates from Him, that He is the original source of all the plenary emanations of his Person, also called Avatars and that all existence dwells in Him are fundamental data, which make it possible to understand that whoever penetrates them, knows at the same time the existential and absolute truth.

Whoever harms men, whatever they may be, terrestrial and aquatic animals, and plants in all their diversities, is certain to be severely punished by divine justice. Hell will be his lot.

In truth, negative thoughts, words and actions produce effects, and therefore consequences in the form of various sufferings, which their authors will have to know at the end of their present life already, but certainly at the next. Look around us, the evidence is there.

No one can access absolute truth if he does not know who God is.

To know God is to know how He really is, in his personal form, primordial, original, infinite and absolute. It is to know that his totally spiritual Divine Body is all knowledge, bliss and eternity. It is knowing that He is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and immutable, because He does not change and remains eternally young. It is to know that God is the Unique Divine Person without a second, and although He multiplies in innumerable plenary manifestations of His Divine Person, also called Avatars, He remains complete in Himself and indivisible. It is to know his inconceivable qualities, his sublime glories and his perfect excellences. There is only one God, and the first of his innumerable names is Krishna, because the Lord has invested him with power.

It is to know that Krishna is God, the Supreme Person, that He is the original cause of all causes, and that from Him emanate the innumerable Avatars, as well as all the spiritual souls. Each of us is in reality an eternal spiritual soul, a tiny particle, an integral part of his divine person, and a bond of love unites us to Him.

To know God is to discover at the same time all existential truth, to know that the Lord Himself is the ultimate goal of existence, and it is to have the signal merciful honor of receiving his word and his eternal teaching, because these will never disappear.

Intelligence is knowing that we are spiritual entities and not the gross material body that some mistakenly identify with. The material universe is not the real world, because the latter is none other than the spiritual world, where there is true life, integral perfect knowledge, permanent and uninterrupted real bliss, and eternal life. Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is the one and only monarch, He alone reigns there eternally.

To ignore all this is to be immersed in ignorance, perdition and darkness. Perpetual suffering and reincarnation will then be our lot.

Turn to God, surrender to Him and serve Him with love and devotion, and all of that will disappear.




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