The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 58 of 150

If all human beings without exception of the whole world do not find reason, do not change their way of thinking, speech, action and among them, those who engage in abortion, irreligion, materialism, atheism, racism, the mind clouded by hatred, permanent anger, pride, avarice, selfishness, excessive envy, duplicity, dishonesty, incivility, deceit, deceit, misfortune, discord, in short, wickedness in all its forms,

If all governments and all human beings throughout the world do not now decide to obey God and to apply His divine laws and commandments, and to do no harm to any living being anywhere in the world, any human being whatsoever, all land animals, crawling, flying, aquatic, and all plants in their diversity, because all have the right to live, then another pandemic will occur in the future, even more dramatic, which will do even more damage by stopping the materialistic economy and killing innocent animals. This time it will force all humanity to change direction, to follow and apply the guidance and guidance of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

This is what will happen to all those who kill animals, make them suffer, and eat their flesh.

Verily, he who kills will be killed in his next life.

Those who raise animals and take them to the slaughterhouse to have them killed for profit alone, and those whose job is to kill thousands of animals, such as slaughterhouse sacrificers, and those who sell the flesh of slaughtered animals, so that others can buy the flesh to eat, should expect to meet the same fate as these animals, life after life.

It is the ignorance of the data relating to the existential truth, which leads the human being to act thus, but because of this ignorance, and this absence of knowledge, these acts generate, in the immediate future, only misfortune, and in the future, the fall among the animal species. Although the beasts, placed under the influence of material nature are not aware of it, their life is still miserable.

The slaughter of animals is also ignorance. The men who take part in this slaughter are unaware that in a future life, the animals they slaughter now will obtain a body which will make it possible for them to kill them in turn. Such is the law of nature.

People do not know that for having killed innocent animals, they themselves will have to undergo severe reactions from the material nature. All countries where animals are put to death without necessity will have to suffer from wars and epidemics imposed by the material nature and the consequences of their criminal acts. Those who interrupt a life, whether human, animal or plant, will be punished by divine justice with severe punishment and will suffer suffering similar to the acts committed in their future lives.




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