The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
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Doing all this, and at the same time acquiring the spiritual knowledge of which Krishna is the Supreme Author, enables us to obtain the spiritual vision through which we can not only see Krishna when He reveals Himself to us, but also to see all the warning signs by which He gives men warnings, so that they change their behavior, listen to Him and do what He says, for their good. Doing all this continuously, allows one to obtain the graces of Krishna, among which

Freedom from all fear, and the disappearance of all suffering. In reality, those who establish themselves on the spiritual level are freed from the two sources of material suffering, desire and affliction.

When one truly begins one's devotional life, one can obtain the perfect fruit of love for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and love for Krishna is the highest perfection of divine mercy. This spiritual benefit is of such value that no form of material happiness can be compared to it.

In reality, there is no comparison between material enjoyment and the sublime spiritual happiness.

In fact, when Lord Krishna bestows spiritual vision, he also bestows intelligence and the ability to understand and analyze at the same time.

It is Krishna who rules the world, not man. Also, when man wants to satisfy his desires, Lord Krishna allows him, while telling him to respect his precepts and his commandments, under pain of bearing the positive or negative consequences, depending on the state of disturbance. in which his mind is. Let us understand, however, that if Krishna grants a relative independence to incarnated souls, He always accompanies them and advises them permanently inside each of the living beings, in his form of Supreme Soul.

Nothing can happen or take place without God's approval and sanction. Not a blade of grass moves without the approval of Lord Krishna. This word explains the various events that occur in the world, following the collective karma of a people for example. This translates into wars, pandemics, disease, run-ins with the law, or natural plagues.

Krishna regularly sends to the world from his kingdom and descends to earth or elsewhere in the galaxy or to the planets of other galaxies, his personal messengers, sons, or other intimate servants, when irreligion increases, atheism is spreading more and more, false beliefs are spreading, and false spiritual guides who ignore everything about God and His teaching are leading people into the precipice. They descend on a planet and grant mercy to the deserving disciple, and through the intimate servant and authentic spiritual guide, Krishna also grants mercy to the chosen disciple.

This is how Krishna, in a repetitive way, punishes men to force them to change their attitude, to respect his word, his directives, under penalty of severe sanctions.




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