The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
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What does it mean to “SERVE GOD”, and to be “SERVANT of GOD”?

To be a servant of God is, first of all, to love Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, with all one's strength, with all one's heart, with all one's mind, with all one's spiritual essence, and to desire nothing else but to serve Him alone.

It is to offer total obedience filled with affection to Krishna, with a view to satisfying Him, pleasing Him, making Him happy, but also to fulfil a wish, a desire or a will expressed by the Lord, and to intercede in His Name with the beings of this material world, in order to transmit to them the true knowledge of which God is the author, for their betterment and even their accession to deliverance.

It is to use all one's senses, in order to put them with love at the exclusive service of the Lord's spiritual senses.

It is to surrender totally to the Lord, to offer Him with unconcealed joy all the fruits of our works, to serve Him with love and devotion, to take pleasure in it, and to love to satisfy Him.

It is to take pleasure in contributing to the joy of Lord Krishna, to love to please Him and to participate in His divine joy.

It is to be constantly inclined to please the Lord, to sing or listen to His glories, and to describe His divine attributes at all times.

Acting within the framework of love and devotional service with attachment to the Lord, coupled with total absorption or meditation in the Sovereign Being, is to dedicate one's life and body to the mission of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

God does not need anything, for He is sufficient unto Himself.

Rather, it is the loving attitude and affection of His devotee that obliges the Lord.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Sovereign Person, in His personal, primordial, original, infinite form and absolute truth, possesses in His divine essence all the source principles, by which He is self-sufficient.

Lord Krishna feels indebted to His devotee for the feeling of love that he shows to Him, and not particularly for the service that is offered to Him. In truth, no one can really serve God completely, He who is so perfect and self-sufficient, and who does not need to be served by any of His devotees. Rather, it is the loving attitude and affection of the devotee, the holy being, that obliges Lord Krishna.

Krishna is the source of absolute power, and power itself. He is the all-powerful form of existence, knowledge and transcendental bliss in all their fullness.

He is the source and reservoir of all blessings, pleasures, and all exchange of love.

The Sovereign Lord has three varieties of internal energy: pleasure power, existential power, and cognitive power. All three exist in Him as one spiritual power.

Since the personal manifestation and bliss of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, none other than His pleasure power exists eternally in Him, the Lord obtains all His transcendental pleasure through the latter.

His Name, form and qualities are eternally spiritual. If one somehow comes to know His transcendental position by the grace of the Lord, then one enters eternity.

He is the ultimate source and rest of all that is. Everything is accomplished by Him, everything belongs to Him and everything is offered to Him. He is the ultimate goal of existence, as well as the Supreme Doer, whether He Himself is the doer of the act or has it done by others.

There are an unimaginable number of causes, superior and inferior, but God Himself is the Cause of all causes. He is One without a second, and has no other origin than Himself. He has no origin other than Himself, for He is the primordial Cause of all causes. He is Himself the primordial cause, and there is no cause for His various appearances, for all are One.

Krishna is His own origin, and nothing and no one equals Him. He is the One Absolute without a second, and His various forms do not differ from Himself.




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