The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 11 of 150

The Lord says: It is the thoughts, the memories of the being at the moment of leaving the body that determine its future condition.

On the spiritual level, what does “being blind” mean?

Jesus, the first, spoke of this blindness that struck man 2,000 years ago. He said, “I came into this world for a judgment, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind.”

To those who listened to him and asked him if they were also blind, Jesus replied: “If you were blind, you would have no sin. But now you say: We see, also your sin remains”.

Man is really a trilogy. He is, in truth, a spiritual soul imprisoned in an ethereal body, which in turn is enclosed in a body of dense matter. By trilogy is meant :

The spiritual soul + the ethereal body + the body of dense matter.

It is the body of dense matter which is at the origin of the oblivion into which the soul is plunged. Not knowing who it really is, not knowing anything about its past, its last incarnation, or even all its previous incarnations, it believes that the material world in which it evolves is the only one that exists, hence its propensity to identify itself with its material body.

Incarnate beings, haunted by the desire to enjoy material existence, and having therefore accepted as their spiritual master another being as blind as them, equally attached to material pleasures and to objects of the senses, cannot understand that the purpose of existence is to return to their original home, located in the kingdom of God, in order to serve it with love and devotion.

Just as blind men guided by another blind man stray from the ideal path and fall into a ravine, men attached to material life, who allow themselves to be guided by other human beings who are also materialistic in spirit, are bound by the very robust strings of self-interested action and endlessly pursue their material existence, subject to the three forms of suffering: those arising from the body and the mind, those arising from other living beings, and those arising from material nature (hurricane, aspen land, flood, drought, etc.).




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