The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
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God says: “Of all worlds, spiritual and material, I am the source. From Me everything emanates. There is really nothing that exists apart from Me, and this you must clearly understand.”

Truly, matter has its origin in life, and life is none other than God Himself. The Lord can manifest material resources infinitely. This is the great mystery that attaches to creation. Life, universal time and the external or material energy of God, over which the Supreme Lord has full authority, are the elements of the creation of the material cosmos.

Science, through ignorance of the data of truth, has taken as its starting point an intermediate phase of creation, and not the origin and starting point of the latter.

He who sees everything in relation to the Lord hates nothing and no one, for he sees God in everything, in the animate as well as in the inanimate, and knows that all beings are minute fragments of God, integral parts of His Divine Person.

The man of enlightened mind sees all living beings as his brothers and sisters, and each being as a spirit soul.

Indeed, when he serves his fellow man, it is to this [the soul] that he addresses himself, thus fulfilling the material and spiritual needs of his brothers and sisters. He who sees the spiritual spark in every being, that beautiful soul which partakes of the essence of God, knows the true nature of things.

All these signs manifest the power of God, and are the visible proof of His existence.




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