The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 106 of 150

When will men understand that the whole earth belongs to God alone, and that they have no right to appropriate it by force, by expropriating the families that God had placed there?

When will men understand that if they Stop having abortions, having illicit sexual intercourse (outside marriage), eating meat, fish and eggs, consuming drugs and stimulating products (alcohol , cigarettes, coffee, tea), to gamble, to extract from the ground and to market products resulting from fossil energy (oil, gas, coal), they will no longer live in sin, but in calm, serenity, prosperity, harmony and peace?

When will men understand that to live happily ever after, it is enough to love God, to abandon oneself totally to Him, and to serve Him with undivided love and devotion, filled with purity?

Many people ask whether doing good and loving your neighbor is enough to enter the spiritual world?

The spiritual world has no beginning, and will never have an end. It is all knowledge, bliss and eternity. There’s no pain or anxiety there.

On the other hand, the material universe has a beginning and will have an end. It is a world of continual suffering. This is why God asks us to obey Him, to apply His precepts and His commandments, in order to return to His eternal kingdom, where we lived in the beginning of all things.

The purpose of existence is to know Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, as He really is, to renew the bond that unites us to Him, to learn to obey Him, to link our desires and interests to His own, to surrender to Him, to serve Him with love and devotion, and to put an end to the cycle of repeated reincarnations, in order to return definitively to him, to his infinite, absolute and eternal kingdom.

In truth, good and evil do not exist, for they are projections of the mind. In the material universe where man evolves, these two dualities, good and evil are placed on the same level, and merge, because each being starts from an erroneous personal concept, puts them into action, or defines them. according to his own sensitivity, what is his notion of reality, and the values that drive him.

Thus, for example, a criminal finds it normal to commit an offence, without worrying about what will be said, the opinion of others or even the righteous, and ignores the reaction that various people will have, victims of his culpable acts. For this dishonest being, his action is just and good. He's hurting someone, but he doesn't care. It is the same for all human beings, who are completely ignorant of the true notion of good and evil, they continually confuse them.




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