The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 105 of 150

God recommends eating only food offered in sacrifice.

The devotees of the Lord are freed from all fault, because they eat only food offered in sacrifice (dairy products, cereals, legumes, and especially not meat, fish and egg). But those who prepare food for their pleasure only feed on sin. The body of all being subsists thanks to the food whose rains allow growth. And the rains flow from the sacrifice, the sacrifice that man makes by fulfilling the duties prescribed to him.

When will men understand?

When will men, and especially the leaders, understand that no one can change God's plans for the different peoples?

When will men understand that for God the whole earth is one immense nation, without internal borders, and where all human beings, without exception, form a single people?

When will people understand that the flow of migration is willed by God, and that many nations have come into being as a result?

When will people understand that hatred, lust, greed and anger are poisons that open the door to hell?

When will men understand that to praise a person at the origin of criminal acts, such as abortion and euthanasia for example, to raise him to the Parthenon or to an undeserved pedestal, is to lead a whole people to the chaos, to continual suffering and perdition, keeping him in ignorance of existential truth?

When will men understand that all those who allow themselves to modify the word of God and the precise meaning it conveys, will certainly suffer the severe sanction of divine justice?




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