Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 580 of 624

During his magisterium, Jesus revealed to his disciples and apostles the eminent role that the Divine Witness plays in human life, explaining that He intervenes constantly with all human beings, giving them advice, instructions, and luminous help through his sublime word, in order to enable them to progress on the spiritual plane, to put an end to the cycle of repetitive reincarnations, and to break the chains that hold them prisoners of matter.

The Lord desires that all incarnated beings return to Him, to His absolute kingdom.

Jesus had said: do not lie, do not tell a lie. What you refuse to accept, do not do, because everything is revealed before heaven, nothing is hidden that will not be revealed, and there is nothing covered up that will remain undisclosed.

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The perfect and pure transcendental path, or the ideal path to eternal life.

The essence of this sublime path is love for God.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, is Absolute Existence, Absolute Consciousness, Absolute Bliss, Absolute Truth, Absolute Pure Life and Infinity.

The Lord says: There is nothing that exists apart from Me, that is what you must clearly understand.

Of all the worlds, spiritual and material, I am the source, from Me everything emanates.

Lord Krishna is all knowledge, bliss and eternity. He is the absolute transcendental path which we must follow with confidence, through which we can know everything. Thus, whoever knows Him as He really is, at the same time discovers the complete existential truth, and the absolute truth as it is.

The Supreme Lord, Krishna, is the origin of all that exists in the material universe as well as in the spiritual world. The source of all creation, He is the original cause of all causes. Everything comes from Krishna, everything lives because of Him, through Him, and under His divine guidance. It is the Lord who enlivens everything, as well as the different elements of the whole, and makes them come alive. No one equals or surpasses Him. He is the absolute beauty and pure integral light that permeates all, and gives the whole its sublime brilliance.

Krishna is the pure transcendental path to be followed with confidence, the absolute truth through which we can know everything, and the life that illuminates everything.




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