Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 577 of 624

At the origin of all things, only Krishna, the Supreme Witness, existed.

Lord Krishna, God, the Sovereign Person, is the Supreme Witness, for it is by His mighty gaze alone that material energy becomes active so that the material cosmos is manifested. At the origin of all things, only the “Supreme Witness” existed, but not the external energy or material energy, on which the Lord looks.

In truth, the Lord wished to create the cosmic manifestation in order to give the conditioned souls, who had been slumbering in oblivion until then, a new opportunity to redeem themselves. The cosmic manifestation gives the conditioned souls the opportunity to return to God, to their original abode, which is the primary purpose of existence.

The Lord is so good that in the absence of this manifestation He feels a lack, hence the creation. Although the existence of the inner power was already manifested, the other power of the Lord seemed to be asleep, latent, and the Lord wanted to call it back into activity. Thus, is revealed the Lord's compassion for His slumbering energy.

The whole process of creation is intended to awaken the previously dormant conditioned souls to the real existence of spiritual consciousness, so that they can become as perfect as the forever liberated souls living in the spiritual world.

Since the Lord is all knowledge, bliss and eternity, He likes to see all the entities emanating from His various powers share the sublime feeling of spiritual bliss, for to participate in the Lord's eternal dance of love is the highest perfection of existence, all spiritual bliss and eternal knowledge.

The Lord says: There is really nothing that exists apart from Me, that is what you must clearly understand.

Nothing is separate from My Person. The whole cosmic manifestation rests in Me, it is not separate from My Person. Before the creation, I already existed.

God, the Supreme Person, has multiple powers. Therefore, whenever He wishes, He can use any of them and thus He creates this cosmic manifestation, and then, when the material creation is annihilated, it rests in Him again. Nevertheless, He remains the Supreme and infallible Witness.

Immutable in all circumstances, the Lord acts only as the Witness and is beyond creation and annihilation.




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