Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
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Prayer through which we ask the Lord to protect us.

In Krishna consciousness, there is the expression of complete trust and surrender to God, wonderfully expressed by the great Indian sage Bhaktivinoda Thakura, in his famous collection of poems, from which the following is an extract.

This prayer, entitled “The Golden Rule”, expresses with excellence the feeling of absolute faith in the protection of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and the serenity that accompanies it, which a pure devotee of the Lord can feel in his or her heart.

The Golden Rule

Who would know how to protect whom you choose to slaughter?

The three worlds* comply with what you order.

Without number the devas and Brahma at their head

Are submissive servants of your worthy person.

If the stars display their splendid influences

But also awaken evil tendencies,

It is because thus thy mighty ordinance is willed.

Sickness, pain and fear, and death,

It is thy arrangement that makes them take shape.

If the wind blows, it is because it fears your sentence.

The sun and the moon and the other planets,

For the same reasons, lend themselves to their duties.

Unparalleled sovereign, supreme intelligence,

To thee belongs the highest epithet.

In the hearts of the saints, you take up residence.

O Lord of ever immaculate nature,

Whose desires are forever satisfied,

O Eternal Master of those who love and adore thee,

You are fond of the dedicated souls.

O Bhakta Vatsala**, it is a name that suits you!

Who would know how to attack whom you want to protect?

Of all the laws, you are the golden rule.

At your feet prostrate, your humble servant

Named Bhaktivinoda*** at his bowed body.

He has full faith, within himself,

That he will be protected from all dangers.

(*) All galaxies are divided into three major regions: the lower region or hell composed of many hellish planets, the middle region composed of many earth-like planets, and the upper region composed of many Edenic, heavenly planets.

(**) Bhakta Vatsala: One of the innumerable names of God, which means “most affectionate towards His devotees”.
Devas: The heavenly beings.
Brahma: Name of the first created being, the demiurge and regent of our galaxy, placed in this position by Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

(***) You may, if you wish, replace Bhaktivinoda with your first name.




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