Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 527 of 624

There are three levels of devotional service: that of initial learning, that of realization and that of pure love for God, the final stage.

In the stage of love for God, there are various transcendental manifestations, such as affection, emotion, ecstasy, and attachment of extreme intensity.

Transcendental love for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, develops in stages in a progressive manner. It is only when one really establishes oneself at the absolute level that one becomes steadfast in the love of God. Until then, there is always a danger of relapse into matter. Beyond that, other manifestations develop, such as: bliss or the permanent ecstatic state, ecstasy or the symptoms of ecstatic love for

Krishna, the symptoms of pure emotion towards Krishna, and expressions of deep love for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

When these four ingredients are added to the constancy that characterizes purely spiritual existence, then what is called an exchange of transcendental flavor occurs.

Thus the reciprocal exchange of love between beloved ones is generally called the transcendental flavor of the exchange of loving feelings between the devotee and Krishna, the Supreme Being, God.

However, let us not forget that the attainment of such exchanges requires that one first establishes oneself in constancy, at the stage of transcendental flavor. The very foundation of transcendental flavor is indeed the exchange of loving feelings, with the other manifestations serving as auxiliaries to the development of transcendental love.

There are five varieties of spiritual flavors.

The initial phase is that of the soul freed from material defilement who appreciates the greatness of God, but does not really engage in His loving service. This is a phase of neutrality and appreciation.

In the second phase, one appreciates one's position of eternal subordination to the Supreme Lord, realizing that one is eternally dependent on His unconquerable mercy.

In the third phase of transcendental love, one exchanges feelings, affection, love and respect with Krishna, the Supreme Being, on an equal basis. As one progresses further to this level, laughter and jokes are exchanged in a relaxed atmosphere. These are fraternal exchanges with the Divine Person, free from all bondage. One almost forgets one's lower position as a separate soul, but still feels the highest respect for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

The fourth phase sees the brotherly affection shown at the previous level develop into parental affection. One would like to play the role of a parent to the Lord. Instead of worshipping him, the separate soul becomes the object of worship of the Supreme Being, who then depends entirely on his pure devotee and relies on him for his “education”. The devotee then reaches the level where he can embrace the Lord and even cover his head with kisses. This is the manifestation of parental affection for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

The fifth phase allows for a true transcendental exchange of conjugal love between beloved ones. It is at this level that Krishna and the gopis, the maidens of Vraja, contemplate each other in an exchange of affectionate glances, eyebrow movements, sweet talk and charming smiles.

Attachment to Krishna can also take two forms, the first of which is one of respect and veneration.




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