Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 487 of 624

case with all those who attach themselves to these domestic animals or grant them too much importance].

May his conscience be righteous, and he will take the body of a celestial being. And if he is established in Krishna consciousness also called God consciousness, he will be taken to Krishnaloka, the planet of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, in the spiritual world, to live there with the Supreme Lord.

It is a mistake to believe that after death nothing exists, or that all beings go to the same place. The individual and distinct spiritual soul of God reincarnates from body to body, and his next body rests on its carnal envelope and current acts. According to the law of karma, law of action-reaction, or law of cause and effect, she acquires a new body of which at some point she will also have to undress. We see, in truth, that the ethereal body which conveys the concept of the next body, envelops itself in this very body in the next life. It is this reincarnation from one body to another and the fight that the soul must lead in the body, that we call the struggle for existence.

Let us understand that if the living being alters his consciousness by cultivating therein the characteristics of animals for example, he must, in his next existence, live in an animal body and enjoy it in the manner of this animal.

In truth, consciousness is pure since the soul from which it proceeds is always pure, but it changes according to its encounter with the three gunas, the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature; virtue, passion and ignorance. True consciousness, however, is none other than Krishna consciousness. Also, the life of the human being established in the consciousness of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, is pure.

But again, may this consciousness be altered by a material concept, and the human being will obtain, in his future life, a body in harmony with this concept. It will therefore not necessarily be reborn again in a human body, but perhaps in that of a dog, a cat, a pig, or a celestial being, or one of the 8,400,000 varieties of material bodies.

The incarnate spiritual being borrows, within material nature, various ways of existing and there takes enjoyment of the three gunas, the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature; virtue, passion and ignorance, and this because it touches this material nature. He then experiences sufferings and pleasures in various forms of life.

This knowledge is very important when understanding the process by which the conditioned soul reincarnates from one body to another. Now these changes of body are due to the attachment that the incarnate being feels for material existence. As long as he is captivated by this illusory manifestation, he will have to continue to reincarnate from one body to another. Indeed, only his desire to dominate material nature puts him in these undesirable conditions, giving him a body sometimes of a




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