Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 484 of 624

It is the same with the just, the honest, the upright, that the powerful muzzle or imprison to prevent him from revealing awkward truths. Divine righteousness will come into action, and render righteous justice.

Hidden truths will be revealed to the multitude.

Reassure the multitude and the families of the victims of criminal acts, tell them only if there is no justice not been rendered to their loved one by the justice of men, divine justice will take care of it, let them be in confidence.

Logos 463

Goto table of logos

True liberation, also called “the Salvation”.

True liberation is spiritual

It is to be totally and definitively free from the cycle of death and repeated rebirth, it is to put an end to it

It is to obtain more than freedom from constraints personal, social or political.

This is breaking the chains that hold us prisoners of our material body, of conditioning by matter in this material world, and of the energy of illusion.

This is the return of being, once it has freed itself from all material conception of existence, to its spiritual condition It is natural and original.

It is to find one's natural, original relationship with Krishna, God, that of eternal servant, or eternal servant of the Supreme Lord, Krishna.

It is to renounce any form of comfort ephemeral material, for what is higher, a spiritual and absolute happiness with God.

According to the teaching of God, the true goal of life is precisely to achieve this liberation. Indeed, we wander in this material world, life after life, taking birth in different bodies and species, each time undergoing the sufferings inherent in birth, disease, old age and death.

The blessed Lord said: The renunciation of deeds and the devout act, each leads to liberation, but above is the devout act.

The self-interested action accomplished in view of the pleasure of the senses links its author to matter, and retains the soul prisoner of its body. As long as one acts to simply improve one's material living conditions, one will have to transmigrate, reincarnate from body to material body, perpetually captive of the world of matter.




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