Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 460 of 624

The living being is eternally the servant of the Lord. Also, when he is totally dedicated to the service of God, he tastes the perfection of existence.

Knowledge about God is secret, and is only revealed to devotees Lord Krishna

God, the Supreme Person says to this effect: The knowledge which the scriptures reveal about My Person is most secret, and it demands to be realized by the simultaneous practice of the service of devotion. Lend Me a listening ear, as I reveal to you all that it is necessary to know for the accomplishment of this task.

The Lord says that knowledge concerning his Person is most deep and secret, for He is the Supreme and Absolute Truth. Indeed, no one can know God unless he has attained spiritual realization through the effect of his mercy. The knowledge of the Supreme Absolute Being becomes accessible if He Himself reveals it to us.

One can only know Krishna, God, the Supreme Person if one becomes his devotee to serve him with love, for this is a mystery, and this mystery is the love of God.

In fact, this is the essential condition for knowing what concerns the Absolute Person Divine, and to achieve this level of spiritual and absolute love, one must observe the regulating principles of devotional service to the Lord.

To learn more about God, consult the book: Getting To Know Godl.

The real purpose of life is to know God.

The ultimate purpose of existence is to know Krishna, God, the Supreme Person and to return to our true home, which is in the absolute and eternal realm of the Supreme Lord.

We came from God, and now we are embarrassed by material existence. So our goal must be to get out of this awkward situation and return home, to return to God. This is the real purpose of life.

The Lord says: After reaching Me, great souls, transcendentals dedicated to devotion never return to this temporary world full of suffering, because they have reached the highest perfection.

The Lord tells us that if anyone comes to Him, he no longer has to return to the material universe, this world of suffering. Everyone knows it but gets duped by so-called leaders and spiritual masters of junk. Material life is a life of misery.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person says that this place is a place of pain, and it also has a limited duration, since it is temporary. You can't compromise like: Okay, too bad if it's a place of pain, I'll stay here as an American, Caribbean, European, African, Asian, Oceanian, or whatever either.




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