Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 457 of 624

According to his level of spiritual realization, the human being will have different ways of seeing living beings, embodied souls.

He or she who has a bodily conception of existence will establish differences between beings in function of their body. The individual soul does take on many and varied material bodily forms, but despite all of its body changes, it remains eternal, and always the same.

Thus, for those whose vision corresponds to a conception of existence based on the material body, beings will appear different from each other. In truth, no one is a friend or an enemy to anyone. Each by the law of karma, law of action-reaction or law of cause and effect, reincarnates in different bodies of dense matter. But as soon as the human being becomes aware of his true spiritual identity, he no longer makes any distinction according to this law.

A holy being already liberated, who is aware of the truths stated above, does not establish of distinction according to the different carnal envelopes. He considers all living beings, humans, animals and plants, as so many spiritual souls embodied in these various bodies, and knows that they are all the eternal servants of the Lord. This is the vision that the human being must adopt.

In our daily relations, we must maintain friendly relations with all beings in general, humans, animals who moreover are sensitive and suffer when they are confronted with pain or to misfortune, and plants which are incapable of defending themselves against the criminals who want to destroy them.

Our behavior must be such that no one is inclined to be angry and does not cause prejudice to individuals, to families, communities or society. This is loving one another with unconditional love.

It exists, according to the attributes and modes of influence of material nature; virtue, passion and ignorance, different ways of eating.

The only functions of food are to increase longevity, to purify the mind, and to give the body health and vigor.

Human being feeds himself in a particular way, according to the influence of the attributes of the material nature, which he undergoes.

The Lord said on this subject:

The food dear to each one is divided into three orders, which correspond to the three gunas [to the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature; virtue, passion and ignorance]. I will teach you what distinguishes them.

The foods of virtue purify existence and prolong its duration. They provide strength, health, joy and satisfaction. These substantial foods are sweet, juicy, fatty and full of flavor.




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