Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 425 of 624

the effect of yoga should be to educate the mind so that it can take the conditioned soul out of the ignorance in which it is held.

In material existence everyone is a slave of the mind and the senses. In fact, it is the mind which gives us a false conception of ourselves, which makes germinate in us the desire to dominate material nature, and which is at the origin of the imprisonment of the soul in the material universe.

If the mind is directed so as not to be fascinated by the shimmering of matter, the soul will escape its conditioning. In no case should we indulge in the objects of the senses, because according to a process of degradation they bog us more and more in the material existence. We will then be drawn into an endless cycle of rebirth and death, called reincarnation. Also, the best way to free ourselves from this stagnation will be to never offer our thoughts more than a single object; God.

The mind is the cause of the imprisonment of the spiritual being embodied in matter, but also of its liberation. Absorbed in the objects of the senses, it imprisons the being. Detached from the objects of the senses, it frees it. Concentrating the mind on Krishna, God the Supreme Person, therefore brings supreme liberation.

What, even against his will, drives man to sin as if he were compelled to do so?

The Supreme Eternal answers: It is lust alone. Born in contact with passion, then changed into anger, it constitutes the devastating enemy of the world and the source of sin.

When the soul comes into contact with material creation, its love for God is transformed under the influence of passion, in concupiscence. Unsatisfied, this concupiscence turns into anger, and anger into illusion, thanks to which we remain prisoners of material existence.

Concupiscence is therefore the greatest enemy of the living being. It is she who keeps the soul pure prisoner of matter.

Anger and its after-effects are manifestations of ignorance, but we can use passion to rise to virtue, following certain rules of life, rather than letting it drag us away towards ignorance. In this way we will develop a taste for the spiritual, which will guarantee us against the decline of anger.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is infinitely unfolding, so that his spiritual bliss increases ceaselessly, and all beings contribute to this boundless bliss.

They too have a certain independence, but because they have misused it, because they have transformed their devout attitude into a desire for material enjoyment, they have fallen under the influence of lust.

God is the Absolute Truth, and the origin of all things. The source of lust is therefore also the Absolute. If lust is metamorphosed into love for Krishna, the Supreme Being,




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