Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 424 of 624

The process of reincarnation.

The Lord says: Thus, the distinct being borrows within material nature various ways of existing, and there takes enjoyment of the three gunas [the three attributes and modes influence of material nature; virtue, passion and ignorance], this because it touches on this nature. He then experiences sufferings and pleasures, in various forms of life.

This word of the Lord is very important when understanding the process by which the soul conditioned by matter reincarnates from one material body to another. It is because of its desires and its concern to want to dominate the material, that the soul will have to transmigrate from one body to another as one changes clothes. But these changes of body, or clothing, are due to the attachment for material existence. As long as the embodied soul is captivated by this illusory manifestation, it must continue to reincarnate from one body to another. Only its desire to dominate material nature puts it in its undesirable conditions, giving it sometimes the body of a celestial being, sometimes that of a human being, an animal, or that of a plant, always depending on his material desires and his actions. And each time, the embodied being believes himself to be the master of his destiny, in fact imposed by material nature.

The process of attribution of the various bodies to be granted to the being who will have to reincarnate results from contact with the different gunas. That is why one has to rise beyond these material influences and reach the spiritual level. This is the consciousness of God, or Krishna consciousness. Unless we are aware of Krishna, we are forced, by material consciousness, to move from one body to another, for we have piled up material desires for endless times.

So we have to change in ways to see, state of mind, that is, to stop always seeing things from a materialistic perspective, and this change can only occur if one pays attention to the words of God. One who receives the science of God from the very lips of Krishna will lose his desire to dominate the material nature, and gradually, in proportion to the lessening of his unhealthy desire, he will come to enjoy spiritual happiness. In proportion to the knowledge acquired through contact with the Supreme Lord, he tastes the existence of eternal bliss which is proper to him [because corresponding to his true spiritual nature].

Let us master our mind, because it can be our best friend as our worst enemy.

The Supreme Eternal says: The mind can be the friend of the conditioned soul, as it can be its enemy. Man must use it to elevate himself, not to degrade himself.

The mind is the center of interest in the practice of union and communion with God. The purpose of the practice of union and fellowship with God [also called yoga] is to dominate the mind and prevent it from attaching itself to sense objects. In addition,




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