Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 366 of 624

does not know that in reality it is God who sustains this world, directs it, and that he will never be able to do anything about it.

This is why God says: This is what I will do. I will send terror and languor and fever upon you, which will make your eyes languish and your soul suffering, and you will sow your seeds in vain. If despite this you do not listen to Me, I will chastise you seven times more for your sins. I will break the pride of your strength; I will make your sky like iron and your earth like brass.

The intelligent and sane human being is the one who renews the bond which unites him to God, who loves him, obeys him, does his divine will, abandons himself to him and serves him with love and devotion. God will then take him under his divine protection and all his sufferings will disappear.

Logos 412

Goto table of logos

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person rules all beings. He is the Master and the Supreme Judge.

Yes, there is a Supreme Being who rules everything. There are heavenly beings appointed by God who rule many sectors of the galaxy, but Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, the Supreme Master, is above them all.

Krishna, the Sovereign Master, states: No one is superior to Me.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, rules all beings, heavenly beings, human beings, animals and plants. In our material galaxy, all beings, whoever they are, are conditioned. They are all dominated by the laws of nature, and behind them stands the Supreme Lord.

God specifies for this purpose: Material nature acts under My direction and thus generates all beings, mobile and immobile. I stand in the heart of each being, and from Me come memory, knowledge and forgetting.

Krishna is therefore the operator of the machine that is material nature, which functions according to its will. Each living being acts under the direction of God, under his aspect of Supreme Soul, present in his heart. The incarnate being cannot accomplish anything without the consent of the Supreme Soul.

God, the Supreme Person, observes the objectives of the sense activities of all beings. The living being incarnate cannot even take a step without being guided by God. Under the influence of maya, the energy of illusion of the Lord, the living being wants to taste the pleasures of this world, but unless the Lord directs him and gives him the memory of his previous lives, he does not will make no progress towards the goal it pursues in existence.




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