Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 362 of 624

pleasure of the senses, accessible even to dogs and pigs that feed on feces. Rather, they should practice penance and austerity to reach the divine level of devotional service. Thanks to this practice, the heart is purified and we then discover an eternal existence, all of bliss, which transcends material happiness and lasts forever.

The Lord condemns begging, borrowing or stealing in sight satisfaction of the senses, because doing so brings us into a hellish condition, the darkest.

The four sinful activities are illicit sex life (outside marriage), eating meat, fish and eggs, l use of stimulants and toxic substances, and gambling. These are the four paths which lead the being towards a new material body subject to all kinds of sufferings.

Logos 409

Goto table of logos

The Lord teaches us the right way and the right attitude.

The Lord says:

Absorbing one's intelligence in Me constitutes mental poise, and complete discipline of the senses is self-control

Tolerance means patiently enduring misfortune, and steadfastness occurs when one conquers the tongue and the genitals.

The greatest charity is to renounce all aggression towards others, and renouncing lust is considered true austerity.

True heroism is to overcome one's natural tendency to enjoy life material, and the reality is to see the Supreme Person everywhere.

Authenticity means speaking the truth in a pleasing way, as the great sages have declared.

Cleanliness is detachment from fruitful activities, while renunciation is the order of life of the hermit

The real wealth desirable for human beings is religiosity, and I, the Supreme Person, am a sacrifice.

Religious remuneration is devotion to the perfect spiritual master in the purpose of acquiring spiritual instruction, and the greatest strength is the breathing control system.

Real opulence is My own nature as a Divine Person, through which I exhibit the six unlimited opulences [beauty, wealth, wisdom, knowledge, fame, and renunciation].




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