Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 280 of 624

Logos 345

Goto table of logos

True liberation is spiritual. It is to be totally and definitively freed from the cycle of death and repeated rebirth. It is obtaining more than liberation from personal, social or political constraints, and it is also breaking the chains which hold us prisoners of our body and of conditioning by matter in this material world.

According to the teachings of God, the real purpose of life is to achieve this liberation. Indeed, we wander in this material world, life after life, taking birth in different bodies and species, each time undergoing the sufferings inherent in birth, disease, old age and death. When we incarnate in lower species, such as terrestrial, aquatic or plant animals, we find ourselves covered with a veil of ignorance too thick to allow us to wonder why it is happening to us or to try to free us from it. But human life offers us a higher intelligence and the possibility of questioning ourselves so as to embark on the path of spiritual enlightenment and achieve the final goal, liberation. The spiritual masters, servants of God, urge us to get involved quickly, before this life comes to an end, so as not to waste this chance.

Liberation is the return of the incarnate being, once he has freed himself from all material conception of existence, to his original spiritual condition. Human life is offered precisely as an opportunity to develop the qualities necessary to obtain this spiritual freedom. But alas, under the influence of illusory material energy, man most often identifies these few years of ephemeral existence with his permanent condition. Thus misled, he deceptively makes his all the objects of attachment that maya, the energy of illusion presents to him: his nation, his lands, his home, his children, his wife, her husband, his wealth, etc. Always and only under the dictation of maya, he enters into hostility with others to protect all his so-called possessions. On the other hand, cultivating spiritual knowledge, he will understand that no link exists between him and all these objects, and will therefore break his material attachments. However, this fulfillment becomes possible as soon as one comes into contact with the devotees of the Lord, who alone have the power to inject spiritual sound into the depths of the heart of the incarnate spiritual being. lost, in this way ending in him suffering and delusion.

As long as we remain in the material universe, it is our duty to comply with the Lord's instructions, and if his grace allows us to be freed from the clutches of matter, then we can, in the liberated state, continue to serve him with love and devotion. Our material condition does not allow us to see the Lord, or even to know our true identity, because we are deprived of spiritual vision. But that we break our ties with this material condition, that we return to our original spiritual form, and then we can see our own selves, as well as the Lord, face to face. This is the method of relieving afflicted beings by the action of uncompromising material laws as they manifest themselves through the four relentless factors of material existence; birth, sickness, old age and death




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