Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 277 of 624

he distributes to all the love of Krishna, the love of God, love which, without Him, remains very difficult to access.

Krishna's personal forms, two-armed and four-armed, differ in everything from his universal form, which is a temporary form. His four-armed form is that of Narayana, and his two-armed form is personal to Him. Both are spiritual, eternal, while its universal form is only temporary. Krishna changes from his universal form to his Narayana, four-armed form, and then to his own, natural, two-armed form. He thus shows that his four-armed forms, and all others mentioned in the revealed scriptures, are emanations of the original two-armed Krishna. Krishna is therefore the source of all emanations. It is distinct even from these forms, from these emanations, all the more so because of its impersonal aspect. Even his four-armed form closest to Him, that of Maha-Visnu, lying on the cosmic ocean, and from which innumerable galaxies generated by his breath emanate, is an emanation of the Supreme Lord. So the form of Krishna is the personal form of God, the Supreme Person, all of eternity, knowledge and bliss, which the spiritualist must choose to worship. This form of Krishna is the original Supreme Person, source of all forms of Visnu, source of all forms of Avatars. Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is the Absolute Truth, the One without a second. He is not an Avatar but God Himself, the Supreme Person in his personal, original form. Nothing is superior to his form of Krishna. He is also the source of all heavenly beings.

The pure devotees of the Lord, who are united to Him by various bonds of absolute love, do not feel any attraction for his universal form. In these exchanges of absolute love, the Supreme Lord shows himself to his pure devotees in his original form of Krishna. To those who are engaged in devotional service, nothing is dearer than the two-armed form of the Lord, the Form of Krishna.

Lord Krishna ends by saying: He who, freed from intellectual speculation and the defilement of his past acts, benevolent towards all beings, becomes absorbed in the pure devotional service, this one comes to Me.

It is only through devotional service, and only thus, that one can know Me as I am. And the being who, through such devotion, becomes fully aware of My Person, can then enter into My absolute realm.

Anyone who desires to approach God in his supreme form of Krishna, on Krishnaloka, in the spiritual world, and aspires to be intimately linked to Him, must, in order to do this, take the path that He Himself indicates by this word. The only desire of the devotee is to be promoted to the spiritual world. And even there he / she wants to access the highest spiritual planet, the supreme, Krishnaloka, Goloka Vrindavana, where Krishna permanently resides in his real, personal, original, supreme and absolute form.

The Lord specifies again to finish: For those who adore Me, abandon to Me all their acts and dedicate themselves to Me without sharing, absorbed in the service of




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