Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 137 of 624

prisoner will never be happy, whether he is locked in a comfortable cell or in an unsanitary dungeon. Instead of trying to switch from dungeon to comfortable cell, the intelligent man should instead strive for liberation. Would he be promoted to the pleasant cell, this same prisoner will sooner or later return to the dungeon. So we must seek to free ourselves from this life of captivity and return to our original home, with God. This should be the true destination of all living beings, whatever they may be.

Logos 118

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The mind is subject to all kinds of material experiences [joys and sorrows], and it is under the form of intelligence that it deliberates. The functions of the mind are threefold: thinking, feeling and wanting.

Illusioned by material nature, the human being identifies with the material ego. The process works as follows: As soon as the spiritual being enters the prison of the material body, he forgets his true identity as a spiritual soul to identify with various designations responding to a bodily conception of existence. This material ego comes into contact with the different modes of influence of material nature; virtue, passion, ignorance, to which the senses will then become attached. The mind makes it possible to feel various experiences of a material nature, while the intelligence possesses a power of deliberation allowing the being to choose what he believes to be more suitable for him. The intelligent man can thus escape from the illusory material existence if he knows how to make judicious use of his intelligence. Indeed, if he becomes aware of the problems which are attached to material existence, he will then seek to discover his real identity, the cause of the various sufferings imposed on him and the way by which he will be freed from them.

Sightful beings are therefore recommended to seek the beneficial companionship of holy men and great sages who have taken the path of salvation, and thereby rise to a higher level, that of spiritual realization. Thanks to the teaching of these great souls, the incarnate and conditioned being can learn to let go of the bond which chains him to matter. Thus the intelligent man can gradually free himself from illusion and the material ego, and access true existence, all of eternity, knowledge and bliss.

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That atheist materialists meditate on these words of the Supreme Eternal:

Material nature, with all its physical laws, is one of my various energies; it is therefore neither independent nor blind. If she acts in such a wonderful way, it is only




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