Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 136 of 624

Logos 116

Goto table of logos

At the end of time, the Lord himself, in the form of Rudra, the destroyer of the worlds, will annihilate the entire creation. The entire creation is the work of God, the Supreme Person, in his form of Brahma. He sustains her in her form of Visnu and destroys her in her form of Rudra or Siva. Creation, support and destruction or end of the world are thus accomplished in due time.

The soul embodied and conditioned by matter which, in its lack of insight, considers this temporary world as its permanent home, must understand intelligently the reason for this cycle of creation and destruction. Those who attach themselves to the fruits of their deeds in this world, want to create gigantic residences, big companies, enormous industrial powers and other large-scale projects, ignore that they will finally have to give up everything against their will to start anew. another existence where the same cycle will be repeated.

To give hope to these foolish beings who waste their energy in this ephemeral world, the Lord reveals that there is another world, eternal, and which is not subject to a cycle of creation and destruction. It also clarifies that it is given to the conditioned soul to understand how it should act and use its precious existence. Instead of wasting its energy in manipulating matter, which by the supreme will is doomed to irreparable destruction, the conditioned soul should use its energy to serve the Lord with love, in order to be able to access this other world that does not know neither birth nor death, neither creation nor destruction, but offers an eternal existence, all of knowledge and bliss. Thus creation is temporarily manifested and then destroyed for the sole purpose of instructing the conditioned being who remains attached to the ephemeral. It is therefore also intended to enable him to attain spiritual realization.

Logos 117

Goto table of logos

All beings under the yoke of the material energy of the Supreme Lord, from Brahma (the first created being) to the insignificant ant, take on bodies which vary according to the nature of their past acts.

Material nature is indeed one of the energies of the Lord, but it is said to be inferior compared to human beings, who constitute the higher energy. It is through the union of these two energies of the Lord that the universe and the mechanisms of action are manifested.

Although some beings, by their privileged condition enjoy a relative happiness, while others live in distress, no one is really happy in this world conditioned by matter. A




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