The Words of God
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rather the servant of his senses, then he implores the Lord to engage him in his service, and in this way, freed from the illusion created by the so-called material pleasures, true happiness. In truth, all the benefits come of their own accord to a pure being, without him even needing to desire them. He derives his satisfaction from nothing less than the service he offers to the Lord.

The material universe is filled with hungry beings. But what they crave is not delectable food, a protective roof, defenses, or sensual pleasures. Rather, it is to live in a spiritual atmosphere. Ignorance alone makes them believe that the world's dissatisfaction comes from a lack of food, comfortable lodgings, effective defenses, or objects of pleasure. This is what we call illusion, for in truth the distinct being is hungry for spiritual satisfaction, when he believes he is hungry for material pleasures. He needs spiritual nourishment, spiritual shelter, spiritual defensive strength and spiritual satisfaction of the senses, all of which are obtained from the Supreme Spiritual Being, Lord Krishna. Thus, he who comes into contact with the Lord can no longer feel the attraction for the illusory food, refuge, means of defense and sensual pleasure of the material universe, which even the inhabitants of the Edenic planets covet. This is why the Lord teaches, in the Bhagavad-gita [Words of Krishna, Christ, God, the Supreme Person], that even happened in the highest planet of the galaxy, Brahmaloka, where beings live millions of years, no one can appease his real hunger.

The Lord says: All the planets of the universe, from the most evolved to the lowest, are places of suffering where birth and death follow one another. But for the soul that reaches My kingdom, there is no more rebirth.

The distinct being can satisfy his hunger only when he establishes himself in immortality, which is obtained in the spiritual world, far beyond Brahmaloka, and through contact with Lord Krishna, the one who grants his devotees the sublime pleasure of liberation. The pleasure of the Lord is the only criterion of action for the perfect being, for the verdict of true wisdom concerning the highest perfection of existence is that one must satisfy the Lord through the performance of his duties..

The Lord said: By worshiping the Lord, the omnipresent at the origin of all beings, man can, in the performance of his own duty, attain perfection.

Everything is good for the pleasure of the Lord, since He is the Absolute Truth. Thus, the highest perfection that one can attain in discharging one's duties in the institution of social class, is to please Lord Krishna.





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