The Words of God
Page 19 of 121

In truth, the individual being distinct from the Lord is an eternal servant of God, but he comes into the material universe and is subject to the conditions of this world because of his desire to dominate matter. Liberation is the abandonment of this misconception and resuming one's original activity, which is to serve the Lord. He thus returns to his original condition.

The ultimate goal of existence is to seek to know Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, as He really is.

The perfect vision of Absolute Truth is only achieved through the unitive practice of devotional service. Unitive, that is to say, which allows one to unite, to enter into relationship with the Absolute, Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

One cannot fully realize the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Lord, that by the practice of the service of love and devotion, which is moreover the highest knowledge which enables one to reach the kingdom of God.

To see the Lord, it is imperative to acquire sight or perfect vision of the absolute, which lies beyond the radiance which veils Lord Krishna and envelops his personal, original and absolute form, and this perfect vision is that of the Supreme Lord.

Verily, the Lord Supreme, Krishna, is veiled by the golden radiance which emanates from his Divine body, and which forms his aspect of the Supreme Impersonal Being. It is only when this veil is lifted, by the grace of Lord Krishna, that He, the Absolute, appears in His true face.

Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme Person has an eternal kingdom where He entertains himself for eternity with his eternal companions and all that eternally surrounds him. This eternal realm is a manifestation of its internal energy, while the material cosmos, in which floats a considerable number of galaxies, is a manifestation of its external energy. However, when He descends into the material cosmos and more precisely into a material galaxy, He does so through his internal power, and with all his surroundings. His form, his name, his fame, his entourage, his kingdom, are not creations of dense matter. When He descends in this way, it is in order to call fallen souls to Himself and to restore the principles of religion, of spirituality, which He Himself has enunciated. No one other than God can restore these principles. He alone, or a being qualified by Him with powers for this purpose, can dictate the codes of religion.

True religion consists in knowing God, in knowing the relationship which unites us to Him, our duties towards Him and finally, our destiny once left the body of matter in




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