The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 723 of 728

If they have reached the state of purity and choose to serve God with love and devotion, they no longer return here below after having left their carnal envelope, but return to God in their original home to live there eternally in perfect knowledge and sublime bliss.

Thus the mission ends that Krishna, God, the Supreme Person has entrusted to me, to hand over to human beings, to humanity, the keys of truth.

As a worthy eternal servant of God, I take pleasure in revealing to human beings the knowledge of Krishna, the Supreme Lord, in his fo real, personal, original rm, to spread existential truth, to give the keys to absolute truth, to disseminate its pure divine teaching, for the good of all humanity, and thus lead all human beings without exception to God.

This is the mission that I have received from Krishna, God, the Supreme Person

When a spiritual soul incarnates in a human body by the grace and mercy of God, it is in order to achieve spiritual realization and attain the ultimate goal of existence, Krishna, the Supreme Person.

She therefore learns that human life is intended to enable her to rekindle her eternal loving relationship with the Lord, and all religious injunctions serve to awaken this sleepy nature.

Developing love for God is the highest perfection of existence.

The word and teaching of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is especially intended to enlighten mankind about the Truth Absolute, that is, of God, the Sovereign Being.

In truth, it is impossible to attain true immortality without coming into direct contact with God, the Supreme Person, and the means the safest way to establish this contact is to surrender to Him and to serve Him with love and devotion. Because it allows this contact to be established, devotional service corresponds to true immortality.

If the Lord instructs all mankind in spiritual knowledge, in the science of God, it is because He deeply desire to see this knowledge disseminated among embodied souls for their good, for they have forgotten the bond which unites them to the Lord.

The ultimate goal of spiritual knowledge and the science of God is to know the Lord as He is really.





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