The Pure Spiritual Science
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mother” have nothing to do with the living being, the embodied soul. As a result of his own choice and his own karma, the individual being receives different bodies through the intermediary of so-called fathers and mothers, who only play this role for the moment of a fleeting life.

Everyone should understand that we are constantly transmigrating from one body to another. The body dies and the soul passes from one body to another continuously. In this way, when the end approaches and the body no longer performs its functions properly, the soul must be reborn in another material body after leaving the old one. The problem is when the being does not listen to God and does not do what the Lord says, he will never know in which body he will reincarnate, human or animal, or where.

The body changes, but the soul is still there, the same. We all remember the body from our childhood, that body no longer exists today, but we still exist and we did exist in the past. We will therefore have to exist in the future despite the change of body.

Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme Person explains this truth in detail in “la Bhagavad-gita”, or on my site in my book “The words Of Krishna, Christ, God, The Supreme Being”. It is our duty to make use of this sublime knowledge. This is the true knowledge.

Logos 434

We must listen to the one who knows, for the knowledge which he transmits he has received from the Supreme Perfect Lord.

It is high time to wake us up, and to fight the atheist materialist philosophy which keeps us in the darkness of true spiritual knowledge, knowledge, ignorance and makes us slaves and prisoners of matter.

It is high time to listen to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, who by his benevolent mercy gave us the Vedas, the original holy scriptures, the true gospel, in order to help us out of darkness and finally enter into light and truth.

He is high time to know Krishna, God, the Supreme Person as He really is, and to understand that by knowing who He is, we at the same time discover all the absolute truth, for He is the Absolute Truth.





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