The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 692 of 728

Through the material envelope which covers the spiritual entity, they see only the embodied spiritual soul which resides there. This is what loving really is.

This is why God commands not to eat meat, fish and eggs.

Logos 425

Where do the “Messies” come from, the sent from Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, also called “Son of God”, and who are they?

The six perfections namely, beauty, wealth, power, fame, wisdom and renunciation, are proper to Krishna, God, the Supreme Absolute Person.

Individual beings distinct from God, tiny fragments of His Divine Person, and integral parts of the Supreme Being, may also possess all of these material attributes, but only partially, in a maximum proportion of 78%, seventy-eight percent in relation to the Lord.

In the material universe, these attributes of being distinct appear to a lesser degree, veiled as they are by the material energy of God. Do the attributes of the being who have come into this world [the incarnate being] lose their original color and almost completely extinguish themselves.

The planets of a galaxy are divided into three planetary systems of different levels; are the lower planets called Hell, the intermediate planets of terrestrial types, and the higher Edenic planets, paradisiacal.

The earth and its inhabitants the human beings, is located at the beginning of the intermediate system, while Brahma, the demiurge, the first being created and regent of our galaxy appointed to this position by God, he and his peers live on the higher planets, the highest of which is Satyaloka also called Brahmaloka.

The inhabitants of the latter have a perfect command of spiritual wisdom, so that for them the mystical cloud of material energy dissipates, they are therefore called by the name of “knowing personified”. Fully awakened to material and spiritual knowledge, they pursue no self-interest, whether in the material or spiritual worlds.

They can practically be called “holy wise men without desires”, because they have no nothing to pursue in the material universe, and they find in themselves their fullness in the spiritual world. Why then do they come here below?





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