The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 682 of 728

Anantadeva is also known as Sesa [the ultimate end], because He puts an end to our stay in this material galaxy, the Milky Way, as He also does for each of the other galaxies. By simply singing our glories, each of us can experience liberation.

On her head, Anantadeva carries the entire galaxy, with its millions of planets each with vast oceans and high mountains. He is so big and so powerful that our galaxy rests on one of his heads, and on each of his other heads, he also carries another galaxy. Thus, all material galaxies rest on each of its innumerable heads.

Lord Ananta or Sesa, is the force that holds all the planets in their respective positions. This cosmic power is known in this world under the name of the law of gravitation.

Where are the infernal planets located?

All the infernal planets are located in the space which separates the three worlds [the upper region composed of paradisiacal planets, the intermediate region composed of planets of terrestrial types, and the lower region or hell, composed of infernal planets], of the Garbhodaka Ocean. They are found in the southern part of the galaxy, below the Earth-like intermediate planetary system, and slightly above the waters of the Garbhodaka Ocean.

The seven lower planetary systems are located below the one we inhabit, the lowest of them all to the name Patalaloka. Below Patalaloka are other planets known as the infernal planets, or Narakaloka. This area is also called “l'enfer”. Who falls into hell, no longer comes out.

The Garbhodaka Ocean is located at the bottom of the galaxy. The infernal planets are therefore located between Patalaloka and the Garbhodaka Ocean.

The Garbhodaka Ocean occupies half of the galaxy, the other half corresponds to the spherical dome of space where the innumerable planetary systems evolve.

It is also specified in the Vedas, that this description is that of a single galaxy in the shape of an egg. There are countless galaxies outside our own, some of which are infinitely larger. In fact, the galaxy we inhabit is said to be the smallest, which is why its ruler, Brahma, has only four heads to rule it. In other galaxies, whose dimensions far exceed those of ours, Brahma has more heads.

Such is the inconceivable power of the Lord. No one can appreciate the greatness of God by intellectual speculation or by making the gross error of identifying with Him.

Such attempts are madness.





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